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Artivio Guerrero Park
Amount | $2,849,889 |
Grantee | City of Sacramento, Parks and Recreation Dept |
Award Year | 2011/12 |
Funding Source | Prop. 84 Statewide Park Program |
Project Type | Create New Park |
Project Status | Complete |
Create the New Park Site FB2 in the City of Sacramento through development of 3 acres. Construct new playgrounds, skate park, picnic area, pedestrian/bicycle pathways, seating areas, fitness equipment stations, half basketball court, water mister play area, turf areas with soccer goals, butterfly garden with interpretive signage, public art, concrete masonry wall, parking lot with gates, landscaping and irrigation.
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6000 61st Street, Sacramento CA 95820
County | Sacramento |
Assembly District | AD 10 Stephanie Nguyen (D) |
Senate District |
SD 08 Angelique Ashby (D) |
Congressional District | CD 07 Doris Matsui (D) |