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Franklin / Ivar Park

Amount $2,000,000
Grantee Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Award Year 2011/12
Funding Source Prop. 84 Statewide Park Program
Project Type Create New Park
Project Status Complete

Create the new Franklin / Ivar Park in the City of Los Angeles through the development of a 1 acre parcel. Construct a new amphitheater, view path, tree screen, interactive solar water fountain, children’s play area, demonstration gardens, public art area, solar panel shade area, Wi-Fi seating area, grotto, fencing, site furnishings & bike rack, park sign, and bioswale.

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6361 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles CA 90028
County Los Angeles
Assembly District AD 51 Rick Chavez Zbur (D)
Senate District SD 24 Benjamin Allen (D)
Congressional District CD 30 Adam B. Schiff (D)