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Outdoor Equity Program Community FactFinder

FactFinder analyzes demographics and park acres within a half mile of a point you select.

You can select the point by Typing in the project address, city, county, latitude, longitude.

You can choose "Download XLSX Report" to generate an Excel (.xlsx) report on your site.

FactFinder uses primarily 2019-2023 American Community Survey block group estimates data for demographics with supplemental information from Census 2020 in rural areas. Parks and open space data are originally from the California Protected Areas Database 2022b (CPAD - learn more at with minor adjustments. Park and open space updates are made periodically. Updates can be reported to

Address or location does not appear to be in California! Please try another location.

Address not found! Please try another location.

Could not find that project ID! Please try again

Report for half-mile circle centered on

Latitude, Longitude: ,

Income and Poverty

  • Median Household Income
    of California Statewide Average Median Household Income
  • Per Capita Income
    of California Statewide Average Per Capita Income
  • People in Poverty
    Total People

Student Population

  • Free/Reduced Priced Meals
  • English Learners

Parks and Car Access

  • Parks Total Area (acres)
  • Park Acres per 1,000 People
  • Households without access to a car


  • Total Population
  • (%) Under 18 years
  • (%) 19 to 64 years
  • (%) 65 years and over

Report # generated on @

Report Map

To update your report location and automatically run a new report, click on the map, drag and drop the map marker, or use the arrow buttons. Each click of an arrow button will move the project location approximately meters ( feet) in the direction indicated on the button. You may also use the plus/minus zoom buttons to zoom in two zoom levels or out one zoom level from your project location.

This map shows a half-mile circle radius around your report location. The map includes layers showing parks and open space. yyy and zzz on the map. The current zoom level is 123. The website content below gives a more detailed map description.

Map Description

Inside the selected half-mile radius


Within a half-mile radius around "", there are acres of parks shown in green and acres of schools shown with a hatch symbol. The circle . Note that some layers may not be visible on the map. Use the layers panel in the map area to toggle the parks and disadvantaged community layers on or off.


The numbers next to the park names below correspond to the numbers in the labels on the map. On the map inside the project circle, there , and displayed in cards below. To see more park cards, use the pagination controls below the cards.

No parks to display
Showing to of total parks inside the report circle.

The numbers next to the school names below correspond to the numbers in the labels on the map. On the map inside the project circle, there , and displayed in cards below. To see more school cards, use the pagination controls below the cards.

No schools to display
Showing to of total schools inside the report circle.

Outside the selected half-mile radius

The current map view is completely within the project circle. Zoom out or pan the map to see areas outside of the project circle.

Outside of the half-mile radius within the map area, there are acres of parks shown in green and acres of schools shown with a hatch symbol. The area outside the circle . Note that some layers may not be visible on the map. Use the layers panel in the map area to toggle the parks and disadvantaged community layers on or off.


The numbers next to the park names below correspond to the numbers on the map labels. On the map outside the project circle, there , and displayed in cards below. To see more park cards, use the pagination controls below the cards.

No parks to display
Showing to of total parks outside the report circle.

The numbers next to the park names below correspond to the numbers on the map labels. On the map outside the project circle, there , and displayed in cards below. To see more school cards, use the pagination controls below the cards.

No schools to display
Showing to of total schools outside the report circle.